Implementing new technologies

for the industry of trenchless pipeline rehabilitation


  • Production of first CIPP liners begins. The liners are made both from fiberglass cloth and from felt structure nonwoven polyester fabric, are water or steam cured, and are dedicated for gravity pipelines.


  • Production of first UV-cured fiberglass CIPP liners dedicated for gravity pipelines begins.


  • POliner Sp. z o.o. is partnering with MAZUR Sp. z o.o.
  • Start of production of thin GRP panels for rehabilitation of sewer manholes/chambers.


  • Research laboratory opened in Różyniec.


  • Start of comprehensive production of CIPP liners made both from fiberglass cloth and from felt-structure nonwoven polyester felt fabric dedicated for pressure water mains, cured using UV light, UV-LEDs, and thermally.
  • Merger of POliner and MAZUR into one company.

Our core business is the production of cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liners for trenchless rehabilitation of gravity and pressure pipelines, as well as mains water systems. We are one of three in Europe and the only in Poland producer of both fiberglass liners and polyester felt fabric liners. Our range of CIPP liners can have diameters from DN150 to DN1800 and are designed for pipelines having circular and non-circular shapes. We can also offer special tailor-made liners with a, so called, taper, used when there are changes in the diameter of the pipeline. With two production lines, one in Grzywna and the other in Świecie (in the northern part of Poland in Kujawsko-Pomorskie region) we can quickly respond to pressing needs and optimize the delivery time depending on where works take place. Outside Poland, our liners have been installed in countries such as Estonia, Finland, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Germany, and the Czech Republic.

Thanks to their knowledge and skills, our highly qualified engineers, specialists with years of experience, guarantee high quality of produced liners.

We conduct research and development in the area of implementing new technologies in the production of composite materials for trenchless pipeline rehabilitation.

Last but not least, POliner Laboratory carries out tests in determining the flexural properties of materials and establishing specific ring stiffness of different diameter pipeline systems and flat samples, ensuring that the conducted tests are made with required quality, and that the results are robust and reliable.

Our mission is to ensure high product quality while observing environmental requirements followed by our industry, in compliance with standards of health and safety at work. We pay particular attention to minimizing the negative impact of production processes on the environment, and above all to preventing any pollution associated with our activities.

Integrated Management System


Quality, Environment, Health and Safety at Work

Prowadzimy działalność w zakresie wdrażania nowych technologii oraz wykonywania produktów kompozytowych dla branży renowacji rurociągów metodami bezwykopowymi. Nasączamy rękawy filcowe oraz kompozytowe mieszankami żywicznymi. Produkujemy krótkie serie kompozytowych wyrobów budowlanych.

Posiadamy certyfikaty ISO 9001 oraz ISO 14001.

Nasz zakład produkcyjny znajduje się w strefie przemysłowej przy autostradzie A4.

POliner uses an Integrated Management System (IMS). POliner uses an Integrated Management System (IMS). In its operations and business development, the Company puts particular emphasis on the fulfillment of the needs and requirements of its customers by ensuring highest quality of manufactured products, while observing health and safety regulations and meeting the highest standards in the field of environmental protection, at the same time minimizing any risks present in the course of performing processes and maximizing any opportunities at hand.

The message underlying the Company’s strategic goals requires continuous involvement of all company employees in the development of the IMS. Employees’ high level of awareness and resources dedicated to meet quality, environmental, and health and safety objectives form the basis for the continuous improvement of process performance and effectiveness of the IMS. The above also prevents accidents at work and environmental pollution.

The certificates we obtained serve as confirmation that our activities comply with industry standards:

  • PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management,
  • PN-EN ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management,
  • PN- ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management.

and Certificates

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