We are launching the project co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development
We are pleased to announce that in the upcoming months POliner will be working on a new project called “Conducting industrial research and experimental development operations at POliner to create a prototype of modular line for automatic folding of dry liner used for the sewerage networks renovation” under the 1.1.1 Sub-operation of the Smart Growth 2014-2020 Operational Program, co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development, under the co-financing agreement no. POIR01.01.01- 00-0040 / 20-00, signed with the National Research and Development Center on October 16, 2020.
Additional information can be found HERE.

We were the Silver Sponsor of the 18th International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows "Trenchless Engineering"
We were the Silver Sponsor of the 18th International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows “Trenchless Engineering”
From 8th to 10th of September, in Tomaszowice near Krakow, we had the pleasure to participate in the largest industry meeting in Poland for people interested in trenchless technologies – XVIII International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows “Trenchless Engineering”, of which we became the Silver Sponsor. Due to the exceptional situation in the world, this year’s edition of the event was held in a hybrid formula, which means that it was possible to attend the meeting both personally and online. which means that it was possible to attend the meeting both personally and online.
During the event, participants had the opportunity to meet us at one of the internal exhibition stands.
According to the slogan of each conference organized by Wydawnictwo INŻYNIERIA sp. z o.o. – KNOWLEDGE – BUSINESS – ATTRACTIONS – guests had the opportunity to enrich their knowledge, establish new business relations and take advantage of additional attractions. There were also practical workshops available for the participants of the conference, as well as TYTAN awards gala.
Together with the organizers, we would like to thank the participants for their participation in the conference.
Full report of the event is available at: https://inzynieria.com/inzbezwykopowa/konferencja_inzynieria_bezwykopowa/wiadomosci/59356,konferencja-inzynieria-bezwykopowa-2020-relacja
POliner sp. z o.o. is the Silver Sponsor of the 18th International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows "Trenchless Engineering"
POliner sp. z o.o. is the Silver Sponsor of the 18th International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows “Trenchless Engineering”
We are pleased to announce that POliner is the Silver Sponsor of the International Conference, Exhibition and Technology Shows “Trenchless Engineering” organized for the eighteenth time. This largest meeting in the trenchless technologies industry in Poland will take place on September 8-10, 2020 at the Tomaszowice Mansion near Krakow.
This year, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the event will have a new hybrid form, which will allow effectively combine offline and online communications between the participants. Safety of the participants and event service will be the main priority during all the planned conference activities. Additionally, for those who are not able to participate in live meetings, there will be an option to join and actively participate in the Conference online.
The event will be initiated with workshops which this year’s theme will be the discussion and approval of CIPP renovations acceptance guidelines. The event will be enriched with numerous of demonstrations and presentations of technologies, machines, equipment and products used in trenchless engineering.
Following the main assumptions of the conferences organized by Wydawnictwo INŻYNIERIA sp. z o.o., the program will involve all the participants in the active discussion as much as possible – both onsite and online – so that the acquired information supported by solid expert’s knowledge will enable them to make better decisions at work.
In addition to the substantive and practical part, there will be less formal meetings such as technical trip to Krakow or a banquet available for all the participants. The event will be crowned by the grand gala combined with the industry’s TYTAN awards ceremony planned on September 9th.
Conference details are available at: https://konferencje.inzynieria.com/ib2020/
We also encourage to take part in the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/575222486364445/
Together with the organizers, we invite you to join the conference.
See you soon!

POliner takes over ZCP Mazur Production
In order to simplify the ownership structure of the companies belonging to Blejkan Group, all the assets of Mazur sp.z o.o. will be divided into two companies. POliner takes over ZCP Mazur Production, while Blejkan has taken over the service part of Mazur sp.z o.o. – ZCP Mazur Services.
ZCP Mazur Production is a producer of high-quality CIPP liners used for the trenchless renovation of sewerage networks. The production processes previously handled by ZCP Mazur Production, will be mainly conducted by our company.
More information on the division of Mazur sp. z o.o. HERE.

Despite the pandemic, we operate continuously
The production of renovation liners in our factory remains stable at the regular pace. Despite the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2, we are not giving up, we are operating at the full capacity.
COVID-19 pandemic has caused the suspension of many projects. However, the renovation industry cannot afford downtime, because this industry, among others it is responsible to provide uninterrupted water supply and sewage disposal. That is why, while maintaining all safety and hygiene standards, taking care of the health of our employees, we manufacture and deliver sleeves to all our recipients - both in Poland and abroad.
We sincerely thank our employees for their hard work in these difficult times and our clients for their trust - together we will manage even in the most difficult times!
Happy Easter!
On the upcoming Easter Holidays, we wish you good health and happiness. Let this special time be filled with joy and peace.
Best wishes from the POliner team